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When you are thinking for best n got better than best,its a wow moments.whenever i get time, try go at my favorite place for birding.
it was around 4pm n bright sunny day with intermittent clouds,i was searching for new winter birds at wetland.while i was finding Red-necked Phalarope, seen a Common Kingfisher on broken n dried tree branch, 30-40ft away from me.as i was wanna shoot video of it half sit n walked towards this beauty.
this shot was taken 10ft away n there is no Photoshop in background,its natural.

Exifs :
Canon 600D
Aperture-Priority AE Mode
f /6.3 || Shutter speed 1/640 || ISO 200 || Exposure Compensation : -1 ||White Balance : Day Light
Focal length : 600mm
Surat Outskirt, Gujarat

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