Blackbuck National Park, Velavdar is the heaven for Harrier lovers.Except Pied Harrier,all Harriers came there between August to March for wintering.They roost on ground and hunts locusts,snakes,lizard,small rodents and birds which help as biological pest control to farm crops,maintains the Eco-system of grassland.
Pankaj have to go at Bhavnagar medical collage as an external examiner for final exam on 19/10/16 so we had planned a trip of Blackbuck National Park,Velavdar on 20th.many of my friend wanna join me but didn't informed them as if we go in 2-3 cars the person in 1st car took photos n rest will none.
So i set a plan with my best friend and birders Viren Desai, Hiren Joshi and Dharmesh Kadiwala to go Blackbuck National Park in noon of 19th.
i went to Kadiwala's home to pick him and then went Bardoli to pick Hiren n Viren.thought to cross bharuch 4.30pm but we were at bardoli at 4.30pm and Pankaj checked in at Blackbuck National Park's dormitory.we had reached around at 12.30am after hectic traffic.
After 5hrs of sleep coz we were on discussion for our website ,we were all ready for morning safari for Indian Grey Wolf after tea at dormitory n went inside with guide Sikandar after pay of entry fee n camera fee.searched at each suspected location for sighting but failed to sight it.Even we did photography of harriers at both side of park.ended before closure of park in noon.
we went outside of park, on a highway for lunch and after 1hr came back.thought for some sleep at rest room but don't know i was unable to sleep.we again went inside the park for evening our focus was on harriers specially on male harriers.The reason was they looks beautiful due to their color.and succeed for Montagu's harriers male gives some excellent flying shots.
Around 4.30pm our guide told to go at lake side/water collection side coz Indian Grey Wolf might come there for water drink n bath.frankly speaking i was against to there coz one wishlist bird "pallid harrier male" was still pending and if we went there,time will lapse n sunlight will gone so photo will not click good, still we went there n luckily sighted Indian Grey Wolf,credit to our guide Sikandar who sighted from far and we went there very hurriedly coz they were about to run inside and speedily we focused and clicked,got 5-6 shots from long distance.not a good click but happy to sighted there.shot was against the light but love this evening light.
Exifs :
Canon 7D Mark2
Aperture-Priority AE Mode
f /8 || Shutter speed 1/1600 || ISO 1000 || 600mm || White Balance : 5200K
Blackbuck National Park, Velavadar, Gujarat
Pankaj have to go at Bhavnagar medical collage as an external examiner for final exam on 19/10/16 so we had planned a trip of Blackbuck National Park,Velavdar on 20th.many of my friend wanna join me but didn't informed them as if we go in 2-3 cars the person in 1st car took photos n rest will none.
So i set a plan with my best friend and birders Viren Desai, Hiren Joshi and Dharmesh Kadiwala to go Blackbuck National Park in noon of 19th.
i went to Kadiwala's home to pick him and then went Bardoli to pick Hiren n Viren.thought to cross bharuch 4.30pm but we were at bardoli at 4.30pm and Pankaj checked in at Blackbuck National Park's dormitory.we had reached around at 12.30am after hectic traffic.
After 5hrs of sleep coz we were on discussion for our website ,we were all ready for morning safari for Indian Grey Wolf after tea at dormitory n went inside with guide Sikandar after pay of entry fee n camera fee.searched at each suspected location for sighting but failed to sight it.Even we did photography of harriers at both side of park.ended before closure of park in noon.
we went outside of park, on a highway for lunch and after 1hr came back.thought for some sleep at rest room but don't know i was unable to sleep.we again went inside the park for evening our focus was on harriers specially on male harriers.The reason was they looks beautiful due to their color.and succeed for Montagu's harriers male gives some excellent flying shots.
Around 4.30pm our guide told to go at lake side/water collection side coz Indian Grey Wolf might come there for water drink n bath.frankly speaking i was against to there coz one wishlist bird "pallid harrier male" was still pending and if we went there,time will lapse n sunlight will gone so photo will not click good, still we went there n luckily sighted Indian Grey Wolf,credit to our guide Sikandar who sighted from far and we went there very hurriedly coz they were about to run inside and speedily we focused and clicked,got 5-6 shots from long distance.not a good click but happy to sighted there.shot was against the light but love this evening light.
Exifs :
Canon 7D Mark2
Aperture-Priority AE Mode
f /8 || Shutter speed 1/1600 || ISO 1000 || 600mm || White Balance : 5200K
Blackbuck National Park, Velavadar, Gujarat
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