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Today morning around at 6am my 6yrs old prince wake due to cough and didn't want to sleep again so i offer him to go at causeway on river Tapi and watch new bird,so he agreed. its hardly 3km away from my home.
every year in winter this bird come there and wanted to catch them but due to my laziness of early wake up, i didn't got chance and today my prince give it lol...
on the way i gave little information about this bird,how it looks,what it eat,where they live,etc.finally we reached there and my prince suddenly ask me "papa you didn't tell that bird's name yet!!!"
i laughed and asked its a Silver Gull
i had taken more than 100 snaps there.out of them few are best and here is best of best for you.
while i was clicking this shot one person stopped and asked me "hey.. r u in media" 


Canon 600D
250mm lens
Aperture-Priority AE
Shutter speed 1/250
ISO 100

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